objective c - Convert from NStimeInterval to CMTime accurately -

i using 2 players 1 mpmovieplayercontroller , other avplayer. henever mpmovieplayercontroller seeked, sets time avplayer. working fine. while converting mpmovieplayercontroller current time cmtime rounding off ex:(if mpplayer time 11.80132 rounding 11).

without rounding off, how can set time avplayer?

code getting mpplayer time , sending avplayer class

[avplayerclass  setcurrenttime:[self.videoplayer currentplaybacktime]]; nslog(@"currenttime:%f",[self.videoplayer currentplaybacktime]);//11.801345 

code in avplayer class , converting time cmtime

-(void)setcurrenttime:(nstimeinterval)seektime {     cmtime seekingcm = cmtimemake(seektime, 1);     [self.player seektotime:seekingcm              tolerancebefore:kcmtimezero               toleranceafter:kcmtimepositiveinfinity];     [self.player seektotime:seekingcm];     nslog(@"current time123ns%%%%%%:%f",cmtimegetseconds(seekingcm));//11     nslog(@"current time123ns%%%%%%:%f",seektime);//11.801345 } 

try :

  cmtime seekingcm = cmtimemakewithseconds(playbacktime, 1000000); 


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