sql server 2008 - CURSOR Table Error When Executing: Select statements included within a function cannot return data to a client -

i trying pass 2 values in function using cursor table. correct? modified post earlier. when execute function, executes successfully. unsure how test in sql.

 use [pmclw1]  go  /****** object:  userdefinedfunction [dbo].[func_pnms_ca]    script date: 08/13/2013 14:41:16 ******/  set ansi_nulls on  go  set quoted_identifier on  go  alter function [dbo].[func_pnms_ca](@scrdet_seqid int, @jobseqid int)   returns varchar(5000)   begin declare @retval varchar(5000),         @temp varchar(1000)  declare cacur cursor  select top 1 isnull (spcops_answer, '') spcops scrdet_seqid = @scrdet_seqid  declare cacur cursor  select b.jbstat_description           jbwork             inner join jbstat b on a.jbstat_seqid = b.jbstat_seqid            a.prjobs_seqid = @jobseqid           , a.dptmnt_seqid=7  open cacur  fetch next cacur  @temp  set @retval = ''  while @@fetch_status = 0 begin      if len(@retval) = 0 set @retval = @temp     else set @retval = @retval + ', ' + @temp      fetch next cacur      @temp end  close cacur deallocate cacur  return @retval  end 


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