amd - Use PrismJS with RequireJS, even though it's not a dependency -

i'm trying use prismjs while not attaching strict dependency functions. ii needed render syntax highlighting on page but, unfortunately, full styling isn't being passed page.

i did read this thread , confirmed prism attached window object, styling isn't showing on page.

here's code (prism.css concatenated other styles via sass):

the html:

<pre><code class="language-css"> git rm 'myfile.html' </code></pre>` 

the script tag:

<script data-main="/js/config.js" src="/js/require.js"></script>


requirejs.config({    baseurl: "/js",    deps: ["prism"],    paths: {     prism: "vendor/prism"   },    shim: {     "prism": {       "exports": "prism"     }   } }); 


define("prism", ["prism"],function(prism) {   return prism; //probably redundant }); 

i have feeling doing in prism.js what's needed, not 100% sure.

most don't need anymore, have stumbled on question while faced similar problem.

what need, likely, prism.highlightall(); function call. solution found @


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