exception - Scope of Application.OnException AND Delphi -

i new programmer , trying understand how delphi's application.onexception event works. colleague has modified default exception handling creating own method , instantiating , passing application.onexception in initialization section of unit. unit declared in uses clause of unit , otherwise unused.

unit adldebug; ...  class procedure tadlexceptionhandler.adlhandleexception (sender: tobject; e: exception); ...  initialization    handler := tadlexceptionhandler.create;    application.onexception := handler.adlhandleexception; 

i can step initialization section using debugger, , not adlhandleexception method. trying cause exception in code caught redefined handleexception method.

should scope of redefined handleexception method in units include adldebug? thinking should application wide, can't seem call it.

the scope of application.onexception indeed application wide. event fire whenever exception raised not handled.

you failing see event fire because raising exception @ startup, before message loop starts.


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