actionscript 3 - trace of array not changing after item's value was change -

so got 2d array simple map editor.
every tile/cell of map have value of 0 default , mouseclick event listener.

        (var i:int =0; < _numrow; i++)         {             _map[i] = new array  ;             (var j:int = 0; j< _numcol; j++)             {                 //i removed content                 _tile.val = 0;                 _tile.addeventlistener(,onmouseclick);                  addchild(_tile);                 _map[i][j] = _tile.val;              }         } 

edit: click tile/cell, happen. problem commented.

private function onmouseclick(e:mouseevent)     {          if (e.currenttarget.val == 0)         {             e.currenttarget.val = 1;             trace(e.currenttarget.val); // trace output want, 1 of each tile clicked.                   e.currenttarget.transform.colortransform = new colortransform(1,0,0);             trace(_map[0]); // check here if _map change since _map[x][x] = _tile.val, should output change made above. [[1,1,1,0,1,0...]]         } 

but no output wasn't change. _map still = [[0,0,0,0,0,0,0...]]
said maybe i'm missing simple thing here don't know what. if still wasn't clear please tell, explain more. guys.

--scratching original answer--

what want achieve can done in 2 ways:

  • store _tile in _map[i][j]
  • or, store {"num": 0} in _tile.val , assign _map[i][j] _tile.val. then, while fetching value _map, use _map[i][j].num , update value in _tile _tile.val.num = 1.

the problem facing can pictorially shown as:

_map[i][j]---|              |  |----|              |->|  0 | _tile.val----|  |----| 

but, after assign 1 _tile.val, result like:

_map[i][j]-->|-----|              |  0  |              |-----|  _tile.val--->|-----|              |  1  |              |-----| 

hope helps.


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