php - Any way to combine results from fulltext query -
i've got fulltext mysql query works -- except fact end duplicate results in cases. i've got several types of data i'm trying search: buildings, suites, assets, etc., each in own table. each type of data can have user-defined custom fields, data stored in different table. here structure.
create table `buildings` ( `bid` int(11) not null auto_increment, `name` varchar(250) collate utf8_unicode_ci not null, `status` enum('active','inactive') collate utf8_unicode_ci not null, `source` enum('feed','manual') collate utf8_unicode_ci not null, primary key (`bid`), fulltext key `textsearch` (`name`) ) create table `customfields` ( `cfid` int(11) not null auto_increment, `name` varchar(250) collate utf8_unicode_ci not null, `datatype` enum('integer','date','smtext','lgtext','numeric','enum','linked') collate utf8_unicode_ci not null, `options` longtext collate utf8_unicode_ci, `did` int(11) not null comment 'datasheet id', primary key (`cfid`), key `did` (`did`) ) create table `customfield_data` ( `cfdid` int(11) not null auto_increment, `data_int` int(11) default null, `data_date` datetime default null, `data_smtext` varchar(1000) collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, `data_lgtext` longtext collate utf8_unicode_ci, `data_numeric` decimal(20,2) default null, `linkid` int(11) default null comment 'id value of specific item', `cfid` int(11) not null comment 'custom field id', primary key (`cfdid`), key `data_smtext` (`data_smtext`(333)), key `linkid` (`linkid`), key `cfid` (`cfid`), fulltext key `textsearch` (`data_smtext`,`data_lgtext`) )
so effectively, building can have customfield stores actual data in customfield_data. customfield identified building-specific field means of did (dataset id.) cfid field links customfield_data customfield , data linked specific building linkid field.
with in mind, here's fulltext query:
select * ( select (data_smtext + data_lgtext) data, linkid idvalue, did, match(data_smtext, data_lgtext) against (?) relevance customfield_data join customfields on customfield_data.cfid = customfields.cfid match (data_smtext, data_lgtext) against (? in boolean mode) union select name data, bid idvalue, 2 did, 3 * (match(name) against (?)) relevance buildings status = ? , match (name) against (? in boolean mode) union select name data, bid idvalue, 2 did, 100 relevance buildings bid ? , status = ? union ) searchresults relevance > 0 order relevance desc
as mentioned earlier, works alright. problem i'm running if, example, building named 123 north ave tower , has address (customfield) of 123 north ave, duplicate records -- 1 name , 1 address if search "123 north ave".
they're both pointing same did (dataset id) , linkid (building id, in case), know solve problem cycling through resulting array in php, looking matches, , throwing out duplicates. hand me performance hit , lower effectiveness of relevance scoring. ideally, i'd able have query add relevance of address match of name/id match give me more accurate score. right i'm multiplying name match 3x , leaving customfield match @ 1x in order weight more accurate matches more heavily adding 2 best option.
thanks can point me in right direction!
i have no solution specific problem, solved installing , configuring sphinx , letting dirty work.
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