c++ - Blank Screen in OpenGL and Glut -
when attempting draw cube, get, instead, blank screen. screen background of glclearcolor
my code in many files can't post here, i've placed on github. you'll want @ it. it's visual studio 2012 file source there ide. though incomplete, here snippets:
edit: able see me shapes, lightless. when use made normals in glutsolidteapot, looks flat. also, though specify far cutting plane 1000, shapes disappear far before that. i've updated code more recent.
// entry point! // code indigo 3d mystery game. readme more information. #include "codeindigo.h" #include <iostream> void box_update (const int& frame, const object& self) { return; } void update (int frame) { if (indigo::keys ['w']) { indigo::current_world.camera.move (0.05); } if (indigo::keys ['s']) { indigo::current_world.camera.move (-0.05); } if (indigo::keys ['a']) { indigo::current_world.camera.move (0.0, -0.05); } if (indigo::keys ['d']) { indigo::current_world.camera.move (0.0, 0.05); } if (gl_no_error != glgeterror ()) { std::cout << "error: " << glgeterror () << std::endl; } if (indigo::keys ['3']) { camera camera = indigo::current_world.camera; std::cout << camera.x << ", " << camera.y << ", " << camera.z << " looking @ " << camera.eye.get_x () << ", " << camera.eye.get_y () << ", " << camera.eye.get_z () << std::endl; } } void mouse_moved (int x, int y) { static const float sensitivity = 0.5; indigo::current_world.camera.eye.add_direction (0.0, x * sensitivity, y * -1 * sensitivity); std::cout << x << ", " << y << std::endl; } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { indigo::initialize (argc, argv, " ~ code indigo", 800, 600, true, 60, indigo::sky_color, 60); mesh box = mesh::sphere (0.5); object add = object(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, box, indigo::white_color, 40.0f, box_update); int object = indigo::current_world.add_object (add); indigo::update_function = update; indigo::relative_mouse_moved_function = mouse_moved; indigo::current_world.lighting.add_light (0.0, 2.0, 0.0); indigo::current_world.camera.place (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); indigo::current_world.camera.eye.set_direction (1.0, 90.0, -2.8); indigo::run (); return (0); }
// initializes window , rendering matrices. void initialize (int argc, char ** argv, const char * window_name, const int& window_width, const int& window_height, const bool& fullscreen, int field_of_view, float * background, int max_framerate) { glutinit (&argc, argv); glutinitdisplaymode (glut_rgba | glut_double | glut_depth); glutinitwindowsize (window_width, window_height); glutcreatewindow (window_name); if (fullscreen) { glutfullscreen (); } if (background) { glclearcolor (background [0], background [1], background [2], 1.0); } else { glclearcolor (sky_color [0], sky_color [1], sky_color [2], 1.0); } frame_length_minimum = 1000 / max_framerate; glutsetkeyrepeat (glut_key_repeat_off); glutdisplayfunc (render); gluttimerfunc (10, update, 0); glutreshapefunc (reshape); glutpassivemotionfunc (mouse_moved); glutmousefunc (mouse_button); glutkeyboardfunc (key_pressed); glutkeyboardupfunc (key_released); glmatrixmode (gl_projection); reshape (); glmatrixmode (gl_modelview); glloadidentity (); glshademodel (gl_smooth); glenable (gl_depth_test); return; }
// acts when window reshapes void reshape (int width, int height) { bool viewport = true; if (0 == width) { width = glutget (glut_window_width); viewport = false; } if (0 == height) { height = glutget (glut_window_height); viewport = false; } if (viewport) { glviewport (0, 0, width, height); } glloadidentity (); gluperspective (field_of_view, (float) width / (float) height, 0.5, 1000.0); }
void world::render (void) const { // renders every object in world glclear (gl_color_buffer_bit | gl_depth_buffer_bit); glmatrixmode (gl_projection); indigo::reshape (); glmatrixmode (gl_modelview); camera.look (); lighting.position_lights (); // <delete> float full_array [] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; glmaterialfv (gl_front_and_back, gl_ambient_and_diffuse, full_array); glmaterialfv (gl_front_and_back, gl_specular, full_array); glmaterialf (gl_front_and_back, gl_shininess, 60.0); glutsolidteapot (0.3); // </delete> (int object_id=0; object_id<objects.size (); ++object_id) { const_cast <object&> (objects [object_id]).render (); } glutswapbuffers (); return; }
// renders object void object::render (void) const { float full_array [] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; glmaterialfv (gl_front_and_back, gl_ambient_and_diffuse, object_color ? object_color : full_array); glmaterialfv (gl_front_and_back, gl_specular, full_array); glmaterialf (gl_front_and_back, gl_shininess, object_shine); glpushmatrix (); gltranslatef (x, y, z); std::vector <vertex> points = data.get_vertices (); glbegin (render_types [data.group_size]); (int point=0; point<points.size (); point++) { // when each polygon finished, calculate light normal if ((point + 1) % (data.group_size == 0 ? 3 : data.group_size) == 0) { vertex 2 = points [point - 1] - points [point - 2]; vertex 3 = points [point] - points [point - 2]; glnormal3f (two.z * three.y - two.y * three.z, two.x * three.z - two.z * three.x, two.y * three.x - two.x * three.y); } vertex cursor = points [point]; glvertex3f (cursor.x, cursor.y, cursor.z); } glend (); glpopmatrix (); return; }
sorry much!
the difficulty don't know whether problem lies in my:
- setting of projection matrix `gluperspective`
- glut thing don't know
- drawing shape
- else
edit: able see me shapes, lightless. when use made normals in glutsolidteapot, looks flat. also, though specify far cutting plane 1000, shapes disappear far before that. i've updated code more recent.
i agree pwny. untested code. usual causes:
- bad camera/object position
- wrong frustrum/perspective (bad znear or zfar)
- enabled textures without using them
- improper lighting/material parameters
- forgotten set glcolor
to check wrong
- disable cull_face,depth_test,gl_texture_1d,2d,...lighting,material,blend
- set camera , modelview defined state (unit matrix example)
- try render quad without cull_face @ right position , size visible
- after success set projection matrix perspective
- tweak znear,zfar , quad position match scene
- replace quad cube
- after success re-enable need incrementally
p.s. idea check glerrors (may wrong entirely else)
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