php - Make a controller indexcontroller in yii -

i planning make blog in yii. have table named article , corresponding model,view,contoller generated using gii. want posts displayed in home page set


although posts displayed in homepage, when click title readmore, url still has contoller name in like 

so want url instead: 

i want hide controller name in url.

what conventional method implement it?

i wanted make url seo friendly used following rule:


now in loadmodel() in articlecontroller wish change findbypk($id) fetch data using year,month , unique vanity url. url

this approach fine right?

update urlmanager on site config

return array(  'name'=>'my project',  'defaultcontroller'=>'article',  'components'=>array(    'urlmanager'=>array(      'urlformat'=>'path',      'casesensitive' =>true,      'showscriptname'=>false,      //'usestrictparsing'=>true,      'rules'=>array(        '<action:[\w\-]+>' => 'article/<action>',      ),    ),   ), ); 


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