c# - Is there a better way to implement OnModelCreating method in EF? -

we have products class implements dbcontext. onmodelcreating method has code so:

 modelbuilder.configurations.add(new customproductmap());  modelbuilder.configurations.add(new customproductdetailmap());  modelbuilder.configurations.add(new custprodcatmappingmap());  modelbuilder.configurations.add(new custproductskumap());  ... 

here entities added 1 one.

i sure there's better way either using reflection or using ioc container.

can show me example can implement myself?

you can use following query instances of types inherited entitytypeconfiguration or complextypeconfiguration:

var maps = in appdomain.currentdomain.getassemblies()            a.getname().name != "entityframework" // skip ef assembly            t in a.gettypes()                                    t.basetype != null && t.basetype.isgenerictype            let basedef = t.basetype.getgenerictypedefinition()            basedef == typeof(entitytypeconfiguration<>) ||                  basedef == typeof(complextypeconfiguration<>)            select activator.createinstance(t); 

all need after adding maps modelbuilder configurations:

foreach (var map in maps)     modelbuilder.configurations.add((dynamic)map); 

keep in mind, use dynamic keyword because activator returns instances type object. need call appropriate overload of add method based on actual map type.


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