vb.net - Writing a specific listview tag property to a text file -

the code below removed user listview based on name. want add ability first write listview's tag property text file first i'm confused how should specify listview item want tag before removing it. can advise me? thanks.

public sub removeuser(byval name object)     if _mainview.lvwchannelusers.invokerequired         _mainview.lvwchannelusers.invoke(new parameterizedthreadstart(addressof removeuser), name)     else         dim lvi listviewitem = getlistviewitemsindex(directcast(name, string))         dim file_name string = application.startuppath & "\accounts\" & directcast(name, string)         dim objwriter new system.io.streamwriter(file_name)         objwriter.write("this need call tag write.")         objwriter.close()         _mainview.lvwchannelusers.items.remove(lvi)     end if end sub 

here have corrected version of sub performing actions want:

public sub removeuser(byval name object)     if _mainview.lvwchannelusers.invokerequired         _mainview.lvwchannelusers.invoke(new parameterizedthreadstart(addressof removeuser), name)     else         dim lvi listviewitem = _mainview.lvwchannelusers.finditemwithtext(directcast(name, string))         dim file_name string = application.startuppath & "\accounts\" & directcast(name, string)         dim objwriter new system.io.streamwriter(file_name)         objwriter.write(lvi.tag)         objwriter.close()         _mainview.lvwchannelusers.items.remove(lvi)     end if end sub 


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