matlab - Write field name and value form structures to a file -
i wondering how can write full structure in output file *.txt fieldnames , respectives values. example
allvariables= names='raw.txt' date= = '**/**/2013' user = mr/mrs * timeprocessing = 20 numberiterations = 1000;
should written in output.txt information displayed before.
this example structure has length of 50 fieldnames, appreciate suggestion!
here's can use:
%// extract field data fields = fieldnames(allvariables); values = struct2cell(allvariables); %// optional: add enclosing apostrophes around string values idx = cellfun(@ischar, values); values(idx) = cellfun(@(x){['''', x, '''']}, values(idx)); %// convert numerical values strings idx = cellfun(@isnumeric, values); values(idx) = cellfun(@num2str, values(idx), 'uniformoutput', false); %// convert cell arrays of strings comma-delimited strings idx = cellfun(@iscellstr, values); stringify_cellstr = @(x){['{' sprintf('''%s'', ', x{1:end - 1}) ... sprintf('''%s''', x{end}) '}']}; values(idx) = cellfun(stringify_cellstr, values(idx)); %// convert cell array of numbers strings idx = cellfun(@iscell, values); isnumber = @(x)isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x); idx_num = cellfun(@(x)all(arrayfun(@(k)isnumber(x{k}),1:numel(x))), values(idx)); idx(idx) = idx_num; stringify_cellnum = @(x){['{' sprintf('%d, ' x{1:end - 1}) num2str(x{end}) '}']}; values(idx) = cellfun(stringify_cellnum, values(idx)); %// combine field names , values in same array c = {fields{:}; values{:}}; %// write fields text file fid = fopen('output.txt', 'wt'); fprintf(fid, repmat('%s = %s\n', 1, size(c, 2)), c{:}); fclose(fid);
this solution variant of this one. note assumes each field contains scalar value or string, can extended handle other types, of course.
edit: added handling fields storing cell arrays of strings , cell arrays of numbers.
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