ios listview index of row seems to be off -

i using listview has thumbnail image in it. using webservice retrieve info.

in cellforrowatindexpath method call service retrieve record , check see if has image attached it. bool. if call service again, using different method, thumbnail. of logic seems in place , in right order images shown in wrong cells , duplicated.

when step through code debug, seems fire service call each cell , rather jumping right response action goes next row/cell. once rows populated goes response. normal debugger? maybe calls service asynchronous , why? there soap "library" included doesnt seem named anywhere , doesnt seem doing async request, dumb application. inherited project 3rd party dev.

also .net dev , used visual studio debugger maybe causing issues.

sorry if terms arent correct new ios , obj-c.

code: service call image:

[service getpicturethumbnail:self action:@selector(getthumbresponse:) clientid: [appdelegate clientid] commid:[usersettings getinstance].selectedid mod:@"ccr" pkey:_ccr.l maxwidth:94 maxheight:98]; 


// handle errors if([value iskindofclass:[nserror class]]) {     nslog(@"%@", value); }  // handle faults if([value iskindofclass:[soapfault class]]) {     nslog(@"%@", value); }   // nsstring* result picture_object* result = (picture_object*)value; nslog(@"%@", result); [_cell.imgthumb setimage:[uiimage imagewithdata:result.e]]; 

all other data in cells fine image thing not included in initial call service.


based on experience, not processing in cellforrowatindexpath:.

everytime scroll , down, cells refresh , call method on , on again, causing weird inconsistencies. best way populate cells (again, based on experience, may not coincide everyones) prepare arrays in own methods hold data displayed in cells. when call cellforrow: , data similar below.

[imagearray objectatindex:[indexpath row]]; 

that way when scroll , down, you're merely picking data out of arrays, , displaying them in cell, instead of doing network requests.

i've had sorts of trouble this, until started processing data outside of method. wish knew earlier, have saved me lots of grief.

this may not direct answer question, better way approach tableviews (especially when cells/tableviews start getting complicated).

*edit: sure call line below after network request, , processing of data arrays.

[_tableview reloaddata]; 


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