javascript - how to implement Tab panel inside Widget with extjs? -
i'm trying implement tab-panel inside widget.
i can see it, totally in wrong place... here code of view how can place inside widget.testusersettings????
i suppose renderto: ext.getbody()
not correct here... whar mean?
ext.define("test.view.settings.usersettings", { extend: "ext.window.window", alias: "widget.testdusersettings", requires: [ "test.overrides.localcombobox", "test.common.localemanager", "ext.form.panel" ], width: 600, height: 300, border: false, closeaction: "hide", resizable: false, layout: "fit", title: 'user settings', initcomponent: function() { debugger; ext.create('', { width: 300, height: 200, activetab: 0, items: [ { title: 'userdata', bodypadding: 10, html: 'a simple tab' }, { title: 'connections', html: 'connections one' }, { title: 'payment', html: 'payment one' }, { title: 'bills', html: 'bills one' } ], renderto: ext.getbody() }); } });
change init this.
initcomponent: function() { var me = this; ext.applyif(me, { items: ext.create('', { activetab: 0, items: [ { title: 'userdata', bodypadding: 10, html: 'a simple tab' }, { title: 'connections', html: 'connections one' }, { title: 'payment', html: 'payment one' }, { title: 'bills', html: 'bills one' } ] }) }); me.callparent(arguments); }
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