c++ - Allow users to specify a target location using a Browse Folder Dialog & store files -

i working c++ on windows environment. creating app using mfc. have stream of image files generated application. have placed button in application , need store images target folder user specify. have tried following far.

code dialog box pop (opens browse folder dialog)

void imagearchive::browsefolder(tchar path[max_path]) {     browseinfo   bi = { 0 };;     bi.lpsztitle        =  _t("please select folder storing received files");     bi.pszdisplayname   =   path;      lpitemidlist   pidl   =   shbrowseforfolder(&bi);     if   (pidl != 0)    {     bool bret = shgetpathfromidlist(pidl,path);     _tprintf ( _t("selected folder: %s\n"), path );  // free memory        imalloc * imalloc = 0;        if ( succeeded( shgetmalloc ( &imalloc )) )        {           imalloc->free ( pidl );           imalloc->release ( );        }    } } 

code saving images folder

void imagearchive::archivesave(ippimage<ipp8u,1> const &im ) {     time_t t = clock();     tchar path[max_path];     ippimage<ipp8u,1> tmp;     tmp.convertfrom(im);     char filename[256];     //browsefolder(path);     sprintf(filename, "c:\\raw_%f.bmp", double(t));     ippisavebmp(filename, tmp); } 

i able open dialog , specify folder using browsefolder function , able use archivesave function save images in hard coded folder suing sprintf ("c:\raw_%f.bmp"). see instead of hard coding folder name, provide users option of selecting folder location using dialog folder pop , store images automatically. kindly please provide me directions on how can done. appreciated.



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