c# - ListBox transition when visibility is changed -

in application have listbox stackpanels in it, , within these stackpanels, header, , listbox it's visibility set collapsed

when listbox has collapsed visability set visible enter animation, technique use these sorts of things doesn't seem work.

listboxofsongs.visibility = system.windows.visibility.visible;  slidetransition slidetransition = new slidetransition(); slidetransition.mode = slidetransitionmode.slidedownfadein; itransition transition = slidetransition.gettransition(listboxofsongs); transition.completed += delegate {     transition.stop(); }; 

i have tried fiddeling around , trying research different techniques, either couldn't find anything, or found them complicated.

so grateful if tell me i'm doing wrong, or different technique follow.

thanks help.


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