C++ Handling My own Exception class -

i'm having problems display strings have in subclasses. i'm trying function i'm not sure why don't content of these strings.

class employee{     string fn, ln, jt;     double income;  public:     char const *getters(){         return fn.data(), ln.data(), jt.data(); //=========>getting content of strings     }     virtual char const *getaccess()=0;     employee(char const *fn, char const *ln, char const *jt, double inc){          if(fn==0) throw exception(1, "sorry, first name null");         if(ln==0) throw exception(2, "sorry, last name null");         if(jt==0) throw exception(3, "sorry job title null");         if(inc<=0) throw exception(4, "sorry, income null");          fn=fn;         ln=ln;         jt=jt;         income=inc;     } };  class programmer: public employee{ public:     programmer(char const *fn, char const *ln, double inc):         employee(fn,ln,"programmer", inc)     {}     char const *getaccess(){         return "you have access meeting room + development office";     } };  //=========the main============ int main(){     employee *acc[3];      try{         acc[0]=new programmer("juan", "villalobos", 60000);         acc[1]=new director("jorge", "villabuena", 70000);         acc[2]=new prodsupport("pedro", "villasmil", 80000);         for(int i=0; i<3; i++){             cout << acc[i]->getters() << endl;    //=============>displaying strings             cout << acc[i]->getaccess() << endl;         }     } catch(exception acc){         cout << "err:" << acc.geterrcode() << " mess:" << acc.geterrmess() << endl;     }      return 0; } 

so, i'm guessing function not doing want, display first name , last name. doing wrong?

i don't point of mixing char* , string. prefer later.

this compile

char const *getters(){     return fn.data(), ln.data(), jt.data(); } 

but want is

char const *getters(){     return (fn + ln + jt).data(); } 

i re-write program this:

class employee{     string fn, ln, jt;     double income;  public:     string getters(){         return fn + " " + ln + " " + jt;     }      virtual string getaccess()=0;      employee(string const &fn, string const &ln, string const &jt, double inc) :         fn(fn), ln(ln), jt(jt), income(inc)     {     } };  class programmer: public employee{ public:     programmer(string const &fn, string const &ln, double inc):         employee(fn,ln,"programmer", inc)     {}      string getaccess(){         return "you have access meeting room + development office";     } };  //=========the main============ int main() {     std::vector<employee> acc;      acc.push_back(programmer("juan", "villalobos", 60000));     acc.push_back(director("jorge", "villabuena", 70000));     acc.push_back(prodsupport("pedro", "villasmil", 80000));      for(size_t i=0; i<acc.size(); i++){         cout << acc[i].getters() << endl;         cout << acc[i].getaccess() << endl;     }      return 0; } 


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