java - Problems loading resource files -

im working on little programm, should annoying copy&paste stuff me. i've written code allows me insert right titles, numbers etc. , copy inputs in 4 different files @ right place. have prepared files (.xml , .html) editing easier. im using keyword, , .replaceall("", "");

my plan keep prepared files resource, drag .jar anywhere on computer let programm generate new files resources , edit files in same directory .jar.

okay whenever launch application via eclipse, fine. programm creates new files based on inputs using templates, , edits existing files chose edited. when export .jar programm stops @ point, without error or that.

jarpath = getclass().getprotectiondomain().getcodesource()             .getlocation().getpath().substring(1); //substring removes /   jarpathparent = jarpath.replace("alpha.jar", ""); // replacing "" directory .jar is.   public void generate(string s) throws ioexception {     string path = "", content = "";     file file = null, outputfile = null;     switch (s) {     case "index":"", "1");         path = getclass().getresource("index.html").tostring()                     .replace("file:/", "");"", "2");         file = new file(path);"", "3");         outputfile = new file(jarpathparent + "/index.html");"", "4");         content = fileutils.readfiletostring(file);"", "5");         content = content.replaceall("xfortitle", title);"", "6");         fileutils.writestringtofile(outputfile, content);"", "7");         break;     case "index2":                    .                    .                    . 

i have used little dialog-class created, spot programm stops. fourth dialogbox last 1 thats popping up, problem seem

 content = fileutils.readfiletostring(file); 

i dont know whats wrong, maybe it's because use apache-commons-io (fileutils) or that?

and maybe pastebin-link whole code: (the imagelabel , .wav amusement.)


okay can load resource content

by using

inputstream input = getclass().getresourceasstream("/classpath/to/my/file"); 

and code-snippet from

so have content of file string, , want write new file (in directory, put .jar)

inputstream input = getclass().getresourceasstream("index.html");         content = getstringfrominputstream(input);"", "2");         outputfile = new file(jarpathparent + "index.html");"", "3");         content = content.replaceall("xfortitle", title);"", "4");"", outputfile.getpath());         try {             fileutils.writestringtofile(outputfile, content);         } catch (exception e) {             dialog.vieltext("", e.tostring());         }"", "5"); 

so crashes @ fileutils.writestringtofile(...); dont det dialog exception should caught in try catch. checked outputpath, can see in code, , seems okay. other ideas on how fix, or how write string(contains .html template) file ?

in jar, jarpath via getcodesource() contain


where path_of_jar is

file:/.... .jar 

with java 7 use zip filesystem file based maintenance.

as, in general, bad way change running code, reconsider using build pipe line jar generated. fan of maven follow path, of generated resources.


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