gcc - Convert c calling function in assembly codes to assembly as well -

i working on c file mathematical functions such log , exp. compile c file gcc generate assembly codes. inside assembly codes, whenever pow function used, find call c function. instance,

    movsd   xmm0, qword ptr 16[rbp]        call    log       addsd   xmm0, xmm0       call    exp       movsd   qword ptr -8[rbp], xmm0 

i wondering if possible tell gcc instead of calling c function, generate assembly code log , exp? in other words, possible tell gcc generate assembly codes not require external function calling?


you load program in gdb or debugger, , set breakpoint on call, , step log or exp function , when there, dump disassembly of (or copy & paste if you're running appropriate debugger). can if don't have source library functions.


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