android - MapView displays blank, but MapFragments work normally -

hello i'm using fragment based layout in application - goes fine - using 1 special mapfragment , other pagefragments display data. mapfragment works fine - map display no problems , able draw on etc.

now wanted add small map view 1 of pagefragments.

i tried like:

<         xmlns:android=""         xmlns:map=""         android:id="@+id/mapview"         android:layout_width="match_parent"         android:layout_height="match_parent"         android:background="#00000000"         android:clickable="true"         map:uicompass="true"         map:uizoomcontrols="true"         map:zorderontop="true" >     </> 

no xml errors, etc. app working - pagefragment correctly displayed, map view remains blank. ideas?

you must forward lifecycle methods activity or fragment mapview working. in particular:

  • oncreate(bundle)
  • onresume()
  • onpause()
  • ondestroy()
  • onsaveinstancestate()
  • onlowmemory()

just in case missed, valid google maps api v2. if not override these methods may still see map grid, map controls etc, map imaginary not visible.


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