Dotnetnuke Skin Issue -

hi chris using dotnetnuke 6.2.3 enterprise edition. in localhost images referred in skin file came both login , logout period.i followed following steps.1st need create 1 child portal. went host-->sitemanagement-->add new site--> choosed child portal , site title,description,keywords.i can able create child site. after went admin-->sitewizard-->blank template-->replace content-->i choosed installed skin , container in portal.and added html modules. both skin , html contains image tag.

now login superuser -->my content, images ,style properties came fine. once logout skin file not loaded due page alignment collapsed. next in chrome went inspect element not able open images.if login host able see files.

can please share 1 of urls images aren't working?

perhaps have permissions in dnn file manager setup have logged in view of files in folder. can go file manager, click on folder, , manager permissions there.


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