python - Django 1.5 extend admin/change_form.html object tools -

i'm new django i've been enjoying it. seem run places don't seem things correct. so, i'm asking , guidance.

i'm trying extend object-tools 1 of models can have print button next history.

my templates follows:


i'm successfully extending base_site.html no issues.


however, when add change_form.html so:


with following:

{% extends 'admin/change_form.html' %}  {% block object-tools %}     <a href="one">one</a>     <a href="one">two</a> {% endblock %} 

i exception: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling python object

this seems i'm missing quite basic.

things i've tried:

  • many variations of {% block %}
  • extending base_site, base etc ...
  • adding /model part of path (project/app/templates/admin/model/change_form.html)

i'm confused , unsuccessful.

p.s.: i'm using bootstrap theme here purposes of problem i'm not using it.

the problem admin/change_form.html in {% extend %} block getting resolved project/app/templates/admin/change_form.html.

one solution create subdirectory of templates named app - possibly project/templates/admin/app/change_form.html.

in order override 1 or more of them, first create admin directory in project’s templates directory. can of directories specified in template_dirs.

within admin directory, create sub-directories named after app.


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