.net - Variable number of rows in RDLC Report with Page Breaks -

first , foremost not duplicate of post: how page break after specific row(suppose 25 rows) in rdlc reporting post solved 1 part of question stuck on second part.

i have report represents cheque. report looks (crudely) this:

section 1

make payable [dataset field]

amount: [dataset field]

date: [dataset field]

section 2

paid item 1

paid item 2

paid item 3

paid item 4

section 3

paid item 1

paid item 2

paid item 3

paid item 4

this report controlled through single dataset.

section 2 , section 3 problem lies. these sections represent each row of data inside of dataset so, if print cheque right had 4 records of data, sections 2 , 3 display same data. data contained inside of list control.

here problem: need each list control display 10 records print beyond 10 records onto separate page. when used technique described in article above, works, when inserts page break breaks section 3 onto page.

it seems achieve through sort of manipulation of page breaks have not been able figure out. please let me know if can more clear on anything!

the issue have interesting 1 , offer 2 parts suggestion.

  1. you need make dataset has column can account different sections can 'group' it. if not exist can create it.

  2. you need 'list' item controlbox inside of tablix report can show different column values under 'details' section. ssrs thinks if doing grouping detail , groups same values yet organize differently. want different data under section 1 under section 2 , 3. reason use list item section 1 group amount it.

you may have issues still data trying go detail under section 1 though. in case of may have clever , takes logic of presentation control report. 'subreport' different report may call. however... have not done rdlc reports, rdl hosted reports. not in application if can have 1 report call other reports. if not possible may have nesting of objects main object tablix , first header gets list , others nother tablix inside of them.

at point may simpler make 2 tablix objects butt against each other , 1 has filter show section 1 data , other not equal section one. rdlc reports need creative thinking @ times.


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