global name 'class' is not defined - Python -

i defined class called parser in file called, parses test result....

import sys import re  class parser:      def __init__(self):         pass      def udp_parse(self, filename=""):        # ... code on here 

now, in have:

from dbconn import * parser import * import os import subprocess  def main()      dbconn = dbconn()     parse = parser()     # more code here ...  if __name__ == '__main__':     main() 

and i'm getting:

traceback (most recent call last):   file "", line 108, in <module>     main()   file "", line 49, in main     parse = parser() nameerror: global name 'parser' not defined in same directory , dbconn() works without problem, i'm not understanding why parser() can't work ...

parser existing python module. use different file name (not or insert path in sys.path before stdlibs.

import sys sys.path.insert(0,'parser/directory') parser import * 


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