c# - Complex type mapping via linq to xml -

i have list of contacts in xml file.
each contact have few properties , mdpr:connection in it.
connection separate object.
read list , contacts list standard proeprties how map connection object.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mdpr:data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance" xmlns:mdpr="http://..."> <mdpr:contactlist>     <mdpr:contact id="{123456}" classid="customer">       <mdpr:name>data1</mdpr:name>       <mdpr:transportcode>data2</mdpr:transportcode>       <mdpr:connection connectionindex="0" fromid="{12345}" toid="{123456}">         <mdpr:status>1-5</mdpr:status>         <mdpr:startdate>2012-03-13t10:23:00z</mdpr:startdate>         <mdpr:enddate>2013-03-13t13:44:00z</mdpr:enddate>               </mdpr:connection>     </mdpr:contact> </mdpr:contactlist> ... classes: public class contact     {         public string name { get; set; }         public string transportcode { get; set; }         public connection connection { get; set; }          public transportplan()         {             this.connection = new connection();         }     } public class connection     {          public string status{ get; set; }         public string startdate{ get; set; }         public string enddate { get; set; }     } 

code read data:

xnamespace mdpr = "http://..."; var contacts = c in xdoc.root.element(mdpr + "contactlist")                                   .elements(mdpr + "contact")                select new contact {                    transportcode = (string)c.element(mdpr + "transportcode"),                    name = (string)c.element(mdpr + "name")                }; 

so question how read mdpr:connection?

you can access elements directly adding '.element'. added variable better readability.

var contacts = c in xdoc.element(mdpr + "data")                              .element(mdpr + "contactlist")                              .elements(mdpr + "contact")                let contact = c                let connection = contact.element(mdpr + "connection")                select new contact                {                    transportcode = (string)contact.element(mdpr + "transportcode"),                    name = (string)contact.element(mdpr + "name"),                    connection = new connection                    {                        status = (string)connection.element(mdpr + "status"),                        startdate = (string) connection.element(mdpr + "startdate"),                        enddate = (string)connection.element(mdpr + "enddate"),                    },                }; 

if want allow multiple connections (in order make scenario more complex)

public class contact {     public string name { get; set; }     public string transportcode { get; set; }     public list<connection> connections { get; set; } } 

code parse multiple connections

var contacts = c in xdoc.element(mdpr + "data")                              .element(mdpr + "contactlist")                              .elements(mdpr + "contact")                let contact = c                let connections = contact.elements(mdpr + "connection")                select new contact                {                    transportcode = (string)contact.element(mdpr + "transportcode"),                    name = (string)contact.element(mdpr + "name"),                    connections = connections.select( connection =>                         new connection                        {                            status = (string)connection.element(mdpr + "status"),                            startdate = (string) connection.element(mdpr + "startdate"),                            enddate = (string)connection.element(mdpr + "enddate"),                        }).tolist(),                }; 


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