- How to prevent IEDriverServer.exe process to launch multiple times? -

i'm using selenium , ie web driver. whenever test starts, ie driver server starts too, doesn't close/exit after test finishes. next test run, end multiple instances of iedriverserver.exe processes sitting around. how close after test run?

below sample code use:

[testclass] public class unittest1 {     [testmethod]     public void testmethod1()     {         var ie = new {              introduceinstabilitybyignoringprotectedmodesettings = true         });         ie.navigate().gotourl("http://localhost:50640/");         ie.close();         ie.close(         assert.istrue(true);     } } 

i know can use processinfo kill it, it'll nice have selenium solution.

have tried using ie.quit();?

please refer documentation , source code.

quit() 1 quit (the browser , driver).

close() closing browser window. why here in case, iedriverserver.exe left open.


/// <summary> /// close current window, quitting browser if last window open. /// </summary> void close();  /// <summary> /// quits driver, closing every associated window. /// </summary> void quit(); 

remotewebdriver.cs (which base class of internetexplorerdriver.cs)

/// <summary> /// closes browser /// </summary> public void close() {     this.execute(drivercommand.close, null); }  /// <summary> /// close browser , dispose of webdriver /// </summary> public void quit() {     this.dispose(); } 


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