sql - MySQL COUNT() to return 0 -

i have query looks this:

select   app.application_id,   j.job_number,   j.job_id,   j.job_title,   j.job_city,   j.job_state,   p.person_id  candidate_id,   p.first_name,   p.last_name,   app.start_date,   ope1.percent_complete,   max(case       when r.role_display_name = 'eng - recruiter'         (select case when count(last_name) = 0                    'unassigned'                  else                    count(last_name)                  end uname            users            join job_roles on job_roles.user_id = users.user_id           job_id = j.job_id             , role_id = r.role_id         )       else '' end) role_3 

my problem count(last_name) not return 0, because there no records returned, there no value of null. makes sense, have tried wrapping in ifnull(), isnull() , none of them seem fix problem. how can return 0 when there no records? need another subquery inside count() aggregate? not use subquery....

if understand correctly want can try rewrite way

select ...       ,max(case when r.role_display_name = 'eng - recruiter'                  coalesce(nullif(                 (                      select count(last_name)                         users join job_roles                           on job_roles.user_id = users.user_id                        job_id = j.job_id                          , role_id = r.role_id                  ), 0), 'unassigned')                 else ''            end) role_3        ... 


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