Magento attribute url not found error 404 /l/ page filter -

everyone have problem attribute url filter page can not found. show error 404 , there /l/ on url. according this page. @ backend. have enable anchor yes. , check use available attributes. show attribute product listing sort bra bra bra.

at page. on left hand side. see product listing sort by. create magento attribute. problem is. when i'm click on link. ever link under word "shop by" it's show error 404 page can't found.

for example. when i'm click on rayban link under word "shop by" it's show error 404 , url don't know /l/ came from. have try remove /l/ myself. it's still not show correct page.

anyone know how fix problem. kindly please help. thank much

problem solved. remove stupid seo enterpr...


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