c++ - std::vect sorting with member variable -

i'm stuck piece of code:

class myobject { public:     int value; }  class myclass { private:     btalignedobjectarray<myobject*> m_objects;  public:      int comp (myobject *a, myobject *b)     {         return calculatethenewvalue(a->value) < calculatethenewvalue(b->value);     }      void dosort()     {         m_objects.quicksort(comp);     }      //edit: member function needed sorting     int calculatethenewvalue(int v)     {             // calculation using other members variables, not m_objects     }  }; 

it doesn't compile because comp non static member function.

comp cant static, because needs access member variable m_objects.

also defeat encapsulation of m_objects have static function , call this



this declaration of btalignedobjectarray


line 365 has declaration or quicksort

if need make comp binary function, wrap in functor. if can use c++11, use lambda:

m_objects.quicksort([&](myobject * lhs, myobject * rhs) {         return this->comp(lhs,rhs)     }); 

if can't use c++11, make functor class similar behavior.

struct compare {     myobject & obj_;     compare(myobject& obj) :obj_(obj) {}      bool operator()(myobject * lhs, myobject * rhs) const {         return obj_.comp(lhs,rhs);     } };  ...  void dosort() {     m_objects.quicksort(compare(*this)); } 


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