jsp - How to get a 'select-option' area updated automatically with the values from the database..? -

i want "select-option" option values updated automatically. mean is
want specific values in database put in select-option area whenever updated in database when user registered in database want his/her registration number updated in "option-select" area same time.how do it. coding in java/jsp/servlet.

i don't know if right point in question, key there use js-->java-->js

@requestmapping("/url/loaddata") @responsebody  public string loaddata()             throws exception {         jsonserializer s = new jsonserializer();         return s.serialize(classservice.getdata());   //method find parsing of data db     } 

call mapping in js

 function loaddbdata() {     $.ajaxutility({         url : '/url/loaddata.htm',         showerrorprompt : true,         showinfoprompt : false,         success : function(data, xhr, s) {             datafromdb = data;             $(datafromdb).each(function(index, value){                  $("#mydropdownbox").empty();                 $("#mydropdownbox").append(generateeachdata(value));              });          }     });  }  function generateeachdata(dataitems){     html = '<option>'+dataitems+'</option>';     return html; } 

just call loaddbdata() upon event when want update or call data db. hope :)


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