mysqldump - Error 1794 loading mysql 5.6 master dump while configuring replication slave -

e:>mysql -u root < masterdump.db error 1794 (hy000) @ line 22: slave not configured or failed initialize properly. must @ least set --server-id enable either master or slave. additional error messages can found in mysql error log. there no additional messages in error log.

in respective my.ini files (yes, i'm on windows) master server-id=1 slave server-id=2

when open dump file , @ line 22 have (x's inserted privacy): change master master_host='', master_port=3306, master_user='replicant', master_password='masteaccessxxx', master_log_file='mysql-bin.000004', master_log_pos=335723162; don't have --server-id on line not part of "change master to" command (

i started slave said:

mysqld --skip-slave-start

does have idea missing?



ok figured out.

you must @ least set --server-id enable either master or slave.  

i thought needed when starting mysql not flag command.

i added --server-id=2 mysqld startup , dump file loading.

thanks looking. hope helps else.



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