python - Implementing Referenceable objects client-side with Twisted Perspective Broker -

i trying implement simple server reply in perspective broker.

possible implementation (please suggest others if possible):

client requests server execute server method, server executes replies (by executing client method sole purpose print message):

[client-side]:  class clientprint(pb.referenceable):     def remote_clientprint(self, message):         print "printing message server: ", message  [server-side]:  class rootserverobject(pb.root):     def remote_onefunc(self, ...):         ...         print "now sending reply..."        *get clientprint object?*        clientprintobj.callremote("clientprint", "this reply!") 

how can implement grabbing of client-side objects? there better way implement server replies grabbing client-side object , calling print-only client method?

here full code trying implement replies:


from twisted.internet import reactor twisted.spread import pb  class client():     def __init__(self, addr, port, spec):         self.addr = none         self.port = none         self.somedata = none      def connect(self, addr, port):         factory = pb.pbclientfactory()         reactor.connecttcp(addr, port, factory)         def1 = factory.getrootobject()         def1.addcallbacks(self.got_obj, self.err_obj)      def got_obj(self, rootsrvobj):         print "got root server obj:", rootsrvobj         self.server = rootsrvobj         def2 = self.server.callremote("somefunc", somedata)      def err_obj(self, reason):         print "error getting root server obj:", reason         self.quit()  def cmdsub(addr, port, somedata):     c = client(addr, port, somedata)     c.connect(addr, port) 


class rootserverobject(pb.root):     def __init__(self):         self.dataout = none      def remote_somefunc(self, somedata):         self.dataout = hash(somedata)         print "now sending reply..."         *implement reply?* 

perhaps there more advanced twisted (or twisted pb) features make simpler.



the simplest way take client-side object server needs use , pass server. solution can think of has @ core.

change client's got_obj method more this:

def got_obj(self, rootsrvobj):     print "got root server obj:", rootsrvobj     self.server = rootsrvobj     def2 = self.server.callremote("somefunc", self, somedata) 

and change implementation of remote_somefunc more this:

def remote_somefunc(self, client, somedata):     self.dataout = hash(somedata)     print "now sending reply..."     client.callremote("client_print", "here reply") 

you might want investigate twisted cred more structured way manage references client object - cred building on exact feature of perspective broker provide more abstract, more featureful interface.

however, notice said "almost" above...

keep in mind twisted's implementation of perspective broker has well-integrated support deferreds. if remote_ method returns deferred no response sent method call until deferred fires , result sent result of method call. might consider putting logic of client_print callback on deferred returned self.server.callremote("somefunc", somedata) , making server's remote_somefunc return reply, either synchronously or asynchronously (as deferred).


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